
Share your thoughts on Cultural Strategy for Havering: 2019 – 2022

2019 has been an exciting time for culture in Havering as local people, organisations and Havering Council have been working together to explore next steps for developing further the role culture plays in the borough. Following a series of public workshops held in venues across the borough, one to one meetings with representatives of organisations, an online consultation which the public responded to, and meetings of a newly formed Cultural Stakeholders Advisory group, a three year culture strategy, providing a strategic context for culture to flourish, has been drafted and agreed as the basis for public consultation. As a result of this fresh partnership working, Havering has already submitted a successful bid for Arts Council England’s Creative People and Places scheme, empowering local people in designing new arts offer in places of least engagement, and been one of only 12 places nationally to secure £1 million over 4 years to realise some exciting new ideas. We’d love to get your feedback on the draft strategy. Draft Culture Strategy Please let us know via this survey link the answers to the following questions:
  1. Do you agree with the Five Aims of the Culture Strategy (see page 5) and the Objectives and Outcomes set out for achieving and resulting from each Aim (detailed from pages 13 to 18)?
  2. If you don’t agree, please provide details of what you’d like to see changed – added, deleted or replaced etc?
  3. Do you have any other comments about the draft Culture Strategy?
We’ll be seeking feedback on the draft strategy between 25 November 2019 until 20 December 2019. If you’d like to discuss any of the draft strategy in person, please don’t hesitate to contact Mathew Russell ( Thanks in advance for your time, interest, passion and ideas, and once agreed, we look forward to working closely with you on putting more of this new strategy into action. Mathew Russell On behalf of the Havering Cultural Stakeholders Advisory Group

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